Helping people get on a path of healing & find freedom from pain.


Self-Discovery + Self-Love

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Jeanine Rivera

I’ve spent two decades on a path of self-discovery.

After experiencing a soul-crushing traumatic loss and enlisting a network of expert professionals, I realized there was something missing in the healing space; a person that not only validated my experience but guided me through and out of it too.

I wanted to be the coach, the counselor, and the advocate I needed, so I became me… a trauma-informed breakup coach that burned everything to the ground to rebuild a stronger and more intentional approach to healing that is both inspiring and supportive.

and so I created…

A place where people could feel seen, heard and most of all, understood.

As a certified trauma recovery and master life coach, I work with clients to start healing their broken hearts in a way they never have before and to begin loving themselves so fiercely, they’re able to stop the maddening quick-fix quest and start truly living a life of their dreams.

If you’ve ever felt broken, misunderstood, and completely fucked, this place is for you.

It took me a long time to smile again and live a life of purpose and joy, but I’m finally here, and you can be too. Take my hand and we’ll kick life’s ass together. You’re not alone.

XO, Jeanine


Healing Begins Here
