What is coaching?

Coaching is a process where people are transported from where they are to where they want to be.

Coaching looks different from client to client and coach to coach. In my practice, there is no one size fits all approach. We look to your desires and unique gifts and together we work to get you the life you want.

It’s all about you!


Breakup Coach + Trauma Informed Recovery Advocate for Women

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Breakup Coaching vs Life Coaching?

Breakup coaching incorporates a healing approach to life coaching during a complex and traumatic life experience or loss. In my practice, we explore your grief, your pain, and your recovery with gentle compassion and care. There is no tough love here, everything you’re experiencing deserves to be seen and validated not pushed down or away.

As you lean into your healing journey, you get an experienced trauma-informed guide to sit with you through your pain as you do the work to move it out.

Breakups have distinct qualities unlike other life experiences, which include shame, rejection, and soul-crushing physical and mental anguish. Healing begins the moment the source of the pain is seen and processed.

Is coaching right for you?

Coaching is a beautiful journey of self-exploration and healing. It’s hard work and you don’t have to do it alone. You get a dedicated cheerleader rooting for you every step of the way.

Creating something new takes discipline and dedication, skills we work on together. All you need is the desire to get there.

1:1 Coaching is the way to get you there




Working with me you get personalized programs where you can…

• Transform your pain into power.

• Understand how to navigate loss.

• Get to the heart of old patterns and face them head-on so you can feel fully healed.

• Develop a powerful toolbox that helps you to navigate loss faster, so you are more resilient and in control.

• Gain energy for what is next.

• Develop a self-care routine that supports your transformation.

• Create a roadmap to the life you truly want & deserve.

• Connect with yourself and others on a new empowering level.

• Unapologetically put yourself first in your life so you show up as your best self in everything you do.

• Build the self-confidence to attract the love you want and deserve.

• Claim your place in the world.


• Trauma-Informed Coaching

• Life-Coaching

• Heartbreak

• Breakups

• Ambiguous Grief + Loss

• Coping Strategies

• Relational Trauma

• Emotional Support + Regulation

• Self-Worth + Self-Esteem

• Relationships

• Transformation

• Habit change + Mindset Shift

• Self-Confidence

• Hopelessness

• Boundaries

• Mindfulness

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are numerous benefits coaching can provide. Coaches offer various levels of support, teach certain skills, and help clients discover new coping strategies for things like emotional pain, anxiety, depression, and stress. Coaches offer a different way of looking at things – maybe a perspective you haven’t yet considered and help you find the solutions you’re looking for in your life. Coaches do not ‘fix’, we guide.

    A few common benefits include:

    • Grasping a deeper understanding of who you are

    • Identifying your goals and dreams

    • Obtaining the right skills to improve your relationships.

    • Learning resources to put an end to the issues that brought you to coaching.

    • Managing problem areas in your personal life, like pain, self-beat-up, anger, stress

    • Creating new patterns of behavior for yourself

    • Changing your problem-solving perspective

    • Boosting your self-esteem and confidence

  • No one is immune to the challenges of life or the pain it can bring. We all need support at various stages and even just managing the day-to-day.

  • Just like the reasons for seeking coaching are different for everyone, most people can expect different experiences too. The good news is that my coaching programs are completely individualized, and everyone can get something different out of it. Your life, your history, and any relevant insights will be important to the specific discussions, though in a very personal and individualized manner. At times coaching can be focused on a specific goal or need, in which case it’s a ‘short term’ solution, while in other cases, many people go to coaching regularly, each week, to simply look for more support and personal growth.

  • There is nothing more important in coaching than confidentiality. As with any client/coach agreement, your privacy is of the utmost importance. A good coach understands the vulnerability and openness that comes from each client and the coaching process can take a lot of trust that needs to be developed over time.

    Make sure your coach offers an agreement before you begin your sessions, that includes a confidentiality aspect and ‘informed consent.’ It is your choice if you’d like to have your coach share anything significant with your other healthcare providers, but this can only be done with your written consent.

    Nothing you share in your sessions is to be told to anyone else, with the rare exceptions of suspected abuse of any kind (including child protection), or if the coach has any reason to believe their patient may hurt themselves, or others. These situations are a matter of ethical procedures, and sometimes, even the law.

  • Yes, all sessions are done online or over the phone. Help is available at your time and place.


Ready to start working with me?

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