Posts in Personal Growth
The Dangers of Loving a Coward

Dealing with a coward is more like dealing with a child that has a driver's license and a credit card. They exhibit all of the hallmarks of being an adult but none of the actual attributes that come along with age; like maturity, respect, decency, or integrity. Cowards are fundamentally and emotionally bankrupt because they lack the basic level requirement for a healthy relationship, honesty.

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Say Yes to Yourself

It’s a beautiful word with so much meaning. It’s the permission we give others to do something but most importantly, the permission we give ourselves. Though sadly, we often live in the “no”.

No thank you, I’m busy. No thank you, I’m too tired. No thank you, I’m sick.

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On Letting Go

Picture this. Life has just kicked you straight in the chest. It’s taken all the wind out of you and you’re struggling to catch your breath. Enter your well-meaning friend or even worse, an acquaintance, with the answer you’ve been waiting for, let it go!

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